Health Kick Saturday

I have come to the realization many years ago that I love sweets, sugar and junk food.... don't we all??  If I'm hungry, all the healthy food thoughts go out the window and I snarf down a whole bag of Doritos.  Seriously though I've done that before.

I decided a while ago that pre-portioning out healthy food and putting them in little containers and then into the fridge might work.  And let me tell you it has!  If I'm hungry and I open the fridge I don't just grab anything, i see the little containers and munch on something that is actually healthy for me.

Some of the things i put into containers are: cut up cucumbers, carrots, half of a grapefruit, apples, orange slices, cottage cheese, and the possibilites are really endless...

If you are or have had troubles like me with the grab and eat anything problem no matter what it is then give this a try, it just might work for ya!


  1. Love this Idea!! You are amazing!! Keep it up girl! It's already showing you look HOT! :) Good Run today too. LOVE YOU!

  2. I love your Health Kick Saturdays! I do the same thing and it totally works!


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