
I love this quote by Theodore Roosevelt and have had a lot of thoughts in my head about why he would say such a thing...  Why is this quote so popular and why did he feel the need to say it?

Well, It's because it happens all.of.the.time.
Many people feel the need to constantly compare their lives to others.

Comparison can come in all shapes and sizes.  People will compare how to properly parent, how to look good, how to take care of a home, how to have a good relationship, how to work, how to play, how to cook, how to be religious, how to clean and just about everything you can possibly think of.

Comparison is toxic. It only leads to one of two things: 
1.  Judgements towards the people around you who do not deserve it. 
2.  Negative feelings about yourself that should not be there.

Therefore, Comparison IS the thief of joy.  There is no way we can have joy in our lives when we are comparing our lives to others.

After losing my father very suddenly, I started to realize even more just how fragile life truly is.  He went into the hospital on a Thursday night, and passed away just three short days later. I personally don't want to get to the other side of the veil, just to realize that I spent most of my days comparing my life to others.  What type of life would that be?  

Is that what I want to be remembered for?

I want to be remembered living life to the fullest, to enjoying each and every moment with my family members, to serve and love all of those around me to the best of my ability and most importantly to prove to my Heavenly Father that I am grateful for the life that I lead and that I don't want to be anyone else but who I am.  I am a daughter of God.... and that should be enough for me to not compare my life to another person.

God sent us here at this time for a specific purpose.  He did not send us here for us to feel inadequate or especially for us to think that we are better than everyone else.  When we compare our lives to someone else, many times they notice and they can feel that you have some sort of issue with them.  This type of toxic activity doesn't allow loving and lasting relationships to happen, but instead causes contention and feelings of inadequacy.

Be who you are and don't try to be anyone else.  The world needs more of who you truly are and not some version of yourself that doesn't feel good enough.

I'm sure it makes God sad to see everyone comparing.  He loves us for who we are and that in and of its self should be enough.


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