Health Kick Saturday
I am sorry I haven't posted at all this week, to the one maybe two people who actually read this blog :) I just got home from running a long 15 miles. It always feels good once you're done! Today I wanted to talk about something that has literally become my favorite drink, and my drink of choice at home at restaurants or anywhere else...... WATER!!!! Something I have started doing over the past couple of months is first thing when I wake up in the morning, I run downstairs and drink a nice big glass of water. I have noticed a difference in how I feel throughout the day, and how I am starting to look. I have a water bottle with me all day that i am constantly sipping on. My drink of choice used to be Dr Pepper and since I have stopped drinking it i have lost about 10 pounds.... I have heard that drinking ice cold water early in the morning gets your metabolism going and plus burns more calories because it's cold and your body is trying to warm it to bod...